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UNAM Foreign Rights 2015

84 Folio 024 Sono_orografía Sono_orography Carlos Iturralde Carlos Iturralde (Mexico City, 1976). His oeuvre guided by an introspection that is centered around sound, and includes interdisciplinary, instrumental, electronic and even improvisatory works. His pieces are inspired by ideals like the transitory, impossibility, error, and negation. He has won several prizes like Impuls (Austria) and has been a grantee of the “Jóvenes Creadores” and “Apoyo para estudios en el extranjero” programs through the Mexican Fondo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes (Fonca). He is currently a member of the Mexican Sistema Nacional de Creadores de Arte Artist: Carlos Iturralde Authors: Fermín Andrade, Cecilia Delgado Masse, Carlos Iturralde, Marco Morales Villalobos Editors: muac-unam Editorial Coordinator: Ekaterina Alvarez Romero Language: Spanish and English First edition, 2014 Extension: 39 pages Format: 8.66 in x 6.3 in MSRP: $5.30 USD ISBN: 978-607-02-5765-0 Target: University community, academics and public interested in contemporary art Sono_orography is a site-specific multimedia installation that is triggered by visitors’ movements in the Espacio de Experimentación Sonora. Taking the dialectics of bodily presence and the partial absence of sound as a starting point, Iturralde has created an orographic scheme that invites the listener to explore the space, revealing the behavior of sound as a physical phenomenon. The artist creates a poetics of space where movement and the position of the body are perceived as a mountain range, suggesting alternative ways of occupying and recognizing the medium of sound. Contemporary Art

UNAM Foreign Rights 2015
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